DNS in Cisco packet tracer and how to configure DNS on Cisco router

There are a couple of ways in which we can configure DNS in packet tracer. We will configure DNS on the Cisco router and endpoint server.

DNS means domain name server, and DNS contains a database of domain names and IP mapping. DNS servers are very helpful as we don’t have to remember the IP address and we can use the domain name instead. Names are much easier to type and learn so DNS plays an important role in every network.

When we enter google.com in the web browser the DNS server finds out the mapped IP of that domain and the HTTP request is forwarded to that IP address.

Configure DNS on the Cisco router

To configure the Cisco router as DNS, we have to enable the DNS service on the router using the following command.

Router(config)#ip dns server

Now, we have to map the names with the IP address using the following command.

Router(config)#ip host PC1

Router(config)#ip host PC2

Finally, we need to configure the DNS server IP in the PC setting. In this case, as the router is configured as a DNS server, we will use the router’s IP.

Now, we can ping one PC from another PC with their names.

Please note that Configuring the Cisco router as a DNS server is not possible in packet tracer as it does not provide this functionality however If you want to try this lab then you can use GNS3 as it has all the commands.

Configuring DNS in Cisco packet tracer with the available server endpoint

dns server

To configure the DNS server, we have to enable the DNS service in the server which is disabled by default.

Now, we have to add an A record or create a name for IP mapping in the server.

pc dns settings

Finally, PCs should be configured with the IP address of the server in the DNS settings.

That is all required to successfully enable the DNS server in packet tracer.

Now, we should be able to ping the PCs with the names.

C:\>ping PC2

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=35ms TTL=128

Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128

Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128

Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128

As expected, we can ping one PC from another with the names.


dns packet tracer

Download this lab and ping the PC with names, and you will see the successful ping replies.

Activity for you

Create a mapping for the switch in the server so that PCs can ping the switch with the name ‘switch’


  1. Alex January 6, 2024
    • Seth Carter January 21, 2024

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