Show IP DHCP binding and conflict

Show IP DHCP binding and conflict command usage and output

When DHCP servers lease the IP addresses, it creates a binding table of IP addresses with the Mac address of the device, this feature enables the DHCP router to assign the same IP address to the host next time in case if IP address is released by the host.

Usually when the host device powers off, it releases the IP address, and when it’s powered on, it again requests the IP address from the DHCP server. When the host device requests the IP address again, the router checks its Binding table to see if that specific host Mac address is already present in the binding table and assigns the same IP address again to the host.

The above scenario is not possible if the IP address has been assigned to the new host and a new entry has been created in the binding table for that specific IP address.

We can see in the image below that 4 PCs are assigned the IP address from the DHCP server.


We can see in the command output below that 4 entries exist in the binding table.

Router#show ip dhcp binding

IP address               Client-ID/             Lease expiration           Type

Hardware address       0009.7C75.4E08              —                         Automatic       0060.2F2E.5A17               —                         Automatic       0000.0C81.38CC             —                         Automatic       00E0.F70C.C247             —                         Automatic


We can use the following command to check the binding for the single IP address.

Clear DHCP bindings

To clear the binding for the single IP, we can use the following command

R1#clear ip dhcp binding ?

*        Clear all automatic bindings

A.B.C.D  Clear a specific binding

R1#clear ip dhcp binding A.B.C.D


To clear all DHCP bindings, we can use the following command

R1#clear ip dhcp binding *


Show IP DHCP conflicts

DHCP conflicts occur when the DHCP server assigns the same IP address to 2 devices, Whenever the conflict happens, hosts like PCs also notify us about the IP conflicts.

To check the DHCP conflicts, we can use the following command.

R1#show ip dhcp conflict

IP address

Detection method   Detection time          VRF

There are no conflicts at the moment so the output of the command is empty, this command will output the existing conflicts in the network.

To solve the issue, we can clear the IP address conflicts by using the following commands

R1#clear ip dhcp conflict ?

*        Clear all address conflicts

A.B.C.D  Clear a specific conflict

We can specify a specific IP to remove the conflict for a single IP or we can remove all conflicts together by using the * symbol.

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