IP DHCP pool

IP DHCP pool command is used to configure the DHCP pool name while configuring the DHCP server on the Cisco router.

We can use the following command to add the DHCP pool name of our choice.

Router(config)#ip dhcp pool ?

WORD Pool name

Router(config)#ip dhcp pool Packet

The packet is the name that we have given to the DHCP pool.


Cisco show IP DHCP pool

To check all created pools on the router we can use the following show command.

Router#show ip dhcp pool

Pool Dynamic :

Utilization mark (high/low) : 100 / 0

Subnet size (first/next) : 0 / 0

Total addresses : 254

Leased addresses : 1

Excluded addresses : 1

Pending event : none

1 subnet is currently in the pool

Current index IP address range Leased/Excluded/Total – 1 / 1 / 254


Pool Packet :

Utilization mark (high/low) : 100 / 0

Subnet size (first/next) : 0 / 0

Total addresses : 511

Leased addresses : 0

Excluded addresses : 1

Pending event : none

0 subnet is currently in the pool


We have configured two pools on this router so information about these DHCP pools is showing in the output with details.

We have not yet defined the subnet for the ‘pool’ packet so we can see that in the output that 0 subnet is currently in the pool.

Lots of other information has been given in the output, this information can be helpful when troubleshooting the DHCP issues or while checking the performance of the DHCP service.


In the example, we have excluded 5 IP addresses from the subnet range that are assigned to the Pool ‘dynamic’, we can see in the image that the PC has been assigned the IP address because the IP address from to has been excluded.


Clear IP DHCP pool command

We can remove or delete the DHCP pool by using the following command.

Router(config)#no ip dhcp pool Packet

We have deleted the Pool created in this exercise and now only one pool is present on the dynamic router, we can confirm this by using the ‘show dhcp pool’ command.


How to check DHCP pool in the Cisco switch and router

We can check the DHCP pool the same way as we check on the Cisco router, we can use the ‘show ip dhcp pool’ command.

Turning DHCP service off on Cisco devices

DHCP service is enabled by default on Cisco devices, to turn off the DHCP service, we can use the following command

Router(config)#no service dhcp

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